Why Multicultural Marketing is No Longer “Niche”…

Bespoke Media & Film
4 min readMay 8, 2019

Multicultural marketing is no longer a “niche” nor should it be an afterthought for studios and filmmakers in developing their marketing strategy for film or TV. In fact, filmmakers and distributors must consider it a priority to connect and engage with multicultural audiences if they want to remain relevant and realize future R.O.I. (Return on Investment).

A picture is worth a thousand words and the pictures of successful film & television shows below should convince any studio executive, filmmaker, or investor of the importance of diversity and inclusion in marketing. The U.S. multicultural, multigenerational, LGBTQIA & non-binary audience is consistently overlooked in favor of focusing on campaigns that engage the “general” target market. campaign strategy and why excluding them can impact the success or failure of your film.

In contrast, people of color have always had to assimilate and as such are fluid in mainstream cultural norms as well as our own. We understand the cultural nuances and the importance of diversity, relevancy, and originality in developing successful marketing campaigns.

As moviegoers flock to see socially diverse casts and storytelling, Hollywood is being forced to confront the reality that the massive U.S. Multicultural Market market segments of Black, Latino, Asian & LGBTQIA + non-binary audiences continue to grow steadily with no indication of slowing. Additionally, like fashion and music, this segment of influencers, trendsetters and early adopters can and do, dramatically hold sway over viewing and purchasing behaviors in both the mainstream “general” and multicultural population.

The financial influence of the multicultural market is causing a shift in predicting which movies or shows will receive a viral reception and has demonstrated the value of diversity in film casting and narrative.

Although the facts outweigh speculation, many studio execs, filmmakers and investors fail to see either the importance of diversity in marketing or the multicultural angle of their film or show until it declines to gain the interest in viewership. By engaging diversity in marketers at the onset increases return on investment, and prevents cultural blunders.

Another advantage of bringing marketers of color to the table early in the process is our ability to tap into the emotional triggers and develop content that is authentically reflected and inclusive of all cultures. We understand that POC, religious beliefs and sexual orientation & identification are no longer satisfied with supporting film or TV shows that do not adequately, appropriately and respectfully acknowledge their humanity, differences, contributions and place in society. What has long been an overlooked and underserved community has now become a force to be reckoned with and shows no sign of receding. Shonda Rhimes changed the face and facts of the multicultural, multigenerational and non-gender conforming narrative opening the door for a new genre of storytelling that raised the bar of diversity and inclusion on the small screen.

As a multicultural marketing agency my team and I often find ourselves in the roles of educators and evangelists.

As a multicultural marketing agency my team and I often find ourselves in the roles of educators and evangelists. We are often sought out after a fiasco from a tone-deaf, stereotypical approach to engaging the multicultural community. Because our white counterparts have not been required to be fluent in diverse cultures there exists a language & cultural barrier that makes it difficult to effectively communicate and engage diverse communities. In contrast, people of color have always had to assimilate and as such are fluid in mainstream cultural norms as well as our own. We understand the cultural nuances and the importance of diversity, relevancy, and originality in our campaigns. We are a reflection of the various cultures in our society. We excel through our approach of inclusive messaging to people of all ethnic, sexual orientation and religious groups.

However, even with the undeniable success multicultural marketing is still often an afterthought. It is the hope of this marketer of color and the hope of many more that this will soon be a past perception instead of the present condition.


About the Author: Nea Anna Simone is a New York Times best selling author of Literary Fiction and a frequent contributor to Launched1111. Follow her on social media: IG:@NeaSimone T:@IamNeaSimone



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